René Ashton
THE CANDLE is an 8 minute proof of concept/short for the feature. But wait, there's more...The Candle is a horror franchise.
"Ryder makes a wish for all of her dreams to come true. She didn't realize it included her nightmares."
MILF MONEY is a 22 minute spec pilot about single moms who are hookers. Not based on a true story.
ACTORS ANONYMOUS is a 22 minute spec pilot about rehabilitating actors back into society using a 12 step program. Possibly based on a true story.
SPERM DONOR is a 22 minute spec pilot about a very rich, very lonely, cantankerous, dying man discovers the sperm he sold to help get through college has resulted in 3 children, he is determined to get this dysfunctional group together and become his family…whether they like it or not. RIP Alan Thicke.
40's AND FAILING is a 4 episode web series about a single mom who faces failure in her marriage, parenting and career. Based on a true story. Allegedly.
BEFORE WE GO is a short form series about an esoteric woman who can have it all, and she does. Seemingly on a whim, she takes two twenty-somethings on the road trip of their lives. They have no idea their real relationship or how she plans on ending the trip. It's a bumpy ride.
Curious to watch one of the 60 second trailers or full content? Email for the link and password.